
10 Bizarre Food-Related Phobias People Actually Suffer From

10 Bizarre Food-Related Phobias People Actually Suffer from

Today, the article is about the fear of food which some people have. Food is very important in our lives for survival. We eat food which we love the most for taste. Food provides the energy for the whole day to perform several activities. It is very necessary to eat food at regular intervals and in quantities for the proper development of the body.

People have many phobias in their life. Some have a problem from height and some have fear of water or fire. There are certain people who have phobias from food items. It may sound strange nut then it is very true. Let’s have a look at Top 10 Bizarre Food-Related Phobias People Actually Suffer from.

10. Deipnophobia: The Fear of dining or dinner conversations

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This is one of the weirdest food phobias that one has while having dinner or lunch. We gather with our friends and relatives on special occasions and parties. The people who have the deipnophobia like to eat in silence and they hate the group dinner.

This is because they had a bad experience with a certain business dinner. This phobia is the result of genetics. The person had the failed dinner date earlier due to which he hates having group dinner or get-together.

9. Oenophobia: The Fear of Wine

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Wine is a great accompaniment to a romantic dinner. But many people fear from drinking wine. The people suffering from Oenophobia will avoid going to the places where there is a wine like wine shops, restaurants or grocery stores too.

They fear wine because they feel that if they choose the wrong wine, it will make the impression bad in the eyes of other people. The people with oenophobia will have shortness of breathing or vomiting problems when they are near to wine.

8. Lachanophobia: The Fear of vegetables

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Lachanophobia means the fear that one has from vegetables. These people developed a bad taste for vegetables and usually it very difficult to have dinners outside or at a friend’s place. They even don’t go to buy the vegetables in a grocery store because of this phobia.

Such people have vitamin deficiencies in their bodies. They are allergic to vegetables and can get nausea, vomiting, irritation, and shortness of breathing on one look of vegetables.

7. Mageirocophobia: The Fear of Cooking

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There are many people in the world who fear from cooking in the kitchen. They do not enter the kitchen because of the many fears that surround them. Such people fear that the food prepared by them may result in food poisoning to other people or the serving fear which will make a bad impression in the minds of those present at the dinner table.

The people suffering from Mageirocophobia will fear that they will burn their hands or get cuts while chopping vegetables. These people have anxiety and shortness of breath problems while they enter the kitchen.

6. Arachibutyrophobia: The Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of the mouth

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Many people fear eating peanut butter as it sticks to their mouth which may develop a bad taste in their mouths. These people have anxiety and irregular breathing problem and choking also. They drink some liquids along with peanut butter to avoid the stickiness of it.

The people suffering from Arachibutyrophobia get bad feelings towards peanuts and peanut butter and they have symptoms like sweating and vomiting.

5. Xocolatophobia: The Fear of Chocolate

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This seems to be very awkward but there are people who fear eating chocolates. They will not eat chocolate or go near to the cake or chocolate shop simply because of this fear. The people with chocolate fear will get stress or anxious when they are near to chocolate shops.

This is because they find chocolates awful and bad. The people with xocolatophobia will get the feeling of nausea or vomiting when they smell the chocolates or even at one look.

4. Orthorexia: The Fear of Eating Food that is not pure

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The people suffering from Orthorexia have mental disorders which lead to fear of eating some foodstuffs. They believe that eating impure food may make them ill and so they are always concerned about their health and fitness. Such people develop a perfect balanced diet in their everyday meals. They avoid consuming grains, dairy and outside foods.

They prefer buying only those food items in the market which are safe for their health and purest. The people with orthorexia will take very good of themselves and often avoid eating at restaurants and late-night dinners.

3. Ichthyophobia: The Fear of all Things Fish

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The people with ichthyophobia hate fishes. They avoid where there are fishes maybe the pond, shopping market or even oceans. The sights and smell of the fish will cause fear in the minds of such people and they avoid going to such places. The symptoms of ichthyophobia are anxiety, stress, nausea, vomiting, irregular breathing and much more.

These people do not visit aquariums or avoid purchasing fish tanks for keeping them at home only because of the fear of fish. They get mentally ill and nervous when they see fish around them.

2. Phagophobia: The Fear of swallowing food, pills, or liquids

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Phagophobia is a fear of swallowing one’s own saliva. This is one of the most dreadful phobias of all and also which cannot be cured. The saliva generates every single second and the person swallows it. The people suffering from phagophobia will skip dinner and lunch just to avoid swallowing saliva. They develop a typical feeling of sticking of some matter in their mouth for which they often visit the doctor.

1. Cibophobia: The Fear of all Food

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This is the most dangerous phobia which many people have. Food is the thing which keeps us alive but certain people fear to eat food. These people don’t eat at all even if the most delicious dishes are presented before them on the dinner table.

Cibophobia has to be cured as soon as possible otherwise a person cannot survive without having food for many days. They always fear to form various food phobias like expiry dates or vomiting.

Food is very essential for life and one should not develop a negative feeling towards it. The best remedy to food phobias is to face them and remove them from yourself forever.

10 Bizarre Food-Related Phobias People Actually Suffer From

1) Cibophobia: The Fear of all Food

2) Phagophobia: The Fear of swallowing food, pills, or liquids

3) Ichthyophobia: The Fear of all Things Fish

4) Orthorexia: The Fear of Eating Food that is not pure

5) Xocolatophobia: The Fear of Chocolate

6) Arachibutyrophobia: The Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of the mouth

7) Mageirocophobia: The Fear of Cooking

8) Arachnophobia: The Fear of vegetables

9) Oenophobia: The Fear of Wine

10) Deipnophobia: The Fear of dining or dinner conversations

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